Early Morning, Very Early

The safety Team

All bolts holding catenary wires and their safety wires have been tested this morning. All passed.

They are tested to 6 kilo newtons - the weight of a baby elephant!

Hoole Christmas Lights 2022 is good to go.

Work will begin in fixing the wires around November 9th and the panels sometime between then and the switch on on November 19th.

Thank you to the pedestrians, businesses, car and lorry drivers for your patience this morning.

The Pull safety test

Safety testing to comply with CWAC

This strange looking piece of equipment is the device that says all our mountain points for the cross street wires are safe, if you want any further information please either use the contact page or email tech@hoolelights.co.uk

Who we are we are Hoole Christmas Lights

Hoole Lights

In order to host the Hoole Christmas Light Switch on 19th November we need your help. You will see posters up in all the shops in Hoole and on the planters outside Bricklands Fish, Seafood & Game and erj clothing with the HLC QR code. Simply zap the QR code on your mobile and donate.

Any amount really does help.. 

Thanks in advance HLC

Dee 106.3

Your local radio station

We have today had the great news that Chesters Dee 106.3 radio will be joining us and presenting the 2022 Hoole Christmas Lights switch on.  

What's Happening

12th October 2022

We had a wonderful teams meeting and we are confident we will be ready.

19th  November 

Hoole Christmas Lights switch on.

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